Fixing the Characters and adding Backgrounds: BE EXTRAVAGANT

 Fixing the Characters and adding Backgrounds:



This week's post is really late, but that could be because I was directing my short film for Film and TV class. This prompt for this week is be extravagant, which is way I am so late is because I was just planning on fixing up the characters. I fixed the hands of two of the characters, the drill and tool belt of the Builder and the shoes of the Challenger. 

I was planning on just doing that, but then I decided to also start with the backgrounds I will be using in the book. I am planning on making the book a pop-up book, I have to have a background and a floor/ground because I want to make the pop-up book like in the tutorial video by studydiaryofalex.  I also drew a couple of objects and items I want to also make pop-up along with the characters, but I don't have space to write where I will use them so it might look a little bit confusing. I also drew the picture for the stories the Historian is telling, I drew them in a more cave painting way because they will be small in the book and also I want to add the feeling that these stories happened a long time ago. 

Next week I want to work on cleaning up and refining the pictures I drew this week and I also want to build and make the sword, bow and shield for the engagement part of the book.

List of sources:

studydiaryofalex. 2012.  How to make a pop-up book. (Accessed on 17 October 2020)

The Historian stories pictures:



Objects, background and ground:

The Characters fixed:

studydiaryofalex.17 Octo


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